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ever feel like this?

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blondie2007 | 00:51 Tue 09th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
144 Answers
My friends often talk about things that I don't understand, and I make it clear that I am confused, but they keep going and ignore me. Makes me feel very invisible and sad. Ever feel like this?


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nite zigzag
and remember
walk in a straight line
I do it was on their Apple Mac CD
so it was mac cd
who shot the apple off the boys head
someone said they seen me coming outta primark!!!!

I thought I disguised myself!!!

I didn't.............crying!!!!
zigzag just said his real name was orf, is that any relation to morph?
no Macy Ds is a fast food place
lol realy orf now nite all
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ummm are you a girl?
what colour is your hair
ummmm are you blonde?
I got the name right you two spelt it wrong na nananana
Yes i'm a girl

My hair is (nearly) black
Question Author
oh you must be very clever
So you ever thought of being a blonde then?
you could always wear a wig
blondie how can you tell she is clever is because she gives off special verbs?
i reckon shes clever
she did that (brackets) thing
i cant do that
what colour is your hair sandy/
Question Author
yes i just get a verb from her

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ever feel like this?

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