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Because i can't remember how it works

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dot.hawkes | 21:35 Fri 26th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
38 Answers
and because it suddenly dawned on me to do this, i am going to conduct an experiment, i am going to see if asking a random question online, using Google or yahoo, actually leads me to AB.
the point of this experiment, conducted under sterile and clinical conditions, (i polished with Mr Sheen earlier and i have a bottle of alcohol close to hand) is to see just how new members are guided, led, coerced, prompted, to find AB.
If i do not return, you will know that it is all a myth, and there truly are only 24 members of this site,

momentarily, (fate willing) I will be absent.



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Corrainder and Garam masala by Dior
Gucci rush.....please Whiffey

I can't wait... :-)
Hey whieey. Thongs ar most unattractive I agree. Particularly if you arewearing your wife's.
Why would you want a little piece of string stuck up your bum cheeks ? Frankly it doesn't make sense. I've seen another poster say this and I have to agree. And what is the point of following a bit of fluff up the escalators in House of Fraser if she (or he) is wearing a thong ?
Ummmmmm. pas they dont have HOF near me. Thongs are not attractive that is alli know. They are handy if you are wearing trews that show a lttle more than you would normally like (VPL), but other than that other panties are far more attractive
Dot, you sounded very professional ... right up until the ''bottle of alcohol'' part ... lol
Nat.........are you para??????

You are a fabulous nutcase!!!

The report this answer box has disappeared under my answer. It was a compliment!!!
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lol you want to report your own posts suddenly? lol
What's happened

dot - you need to go on another expedition!!!!!!!!
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Athley, you don't have the option to report your own posts, that would be a tad scary lol DOH
DOH I just got it I think!!!!!!!!!!

I havn't noticed the missing report this question box before -
oh I'm off to the kitchen for another glass of Rioja!!

VPL is brilliant, but more to the topical stuff, I had a haggis for dinner last night. It was a strange thing, tinned to keep it in, and I had beans and chilli sauce with it.

I'm not sure of the relevance I just wanted to mention VPL because Phoooaaaarrrr !
Ummmmm not para, just lack of heating = cold, bana fingers and red wine doesn't help.

Whiff, VPL is special, particaularly when thethong is size 10 and th 'arris is size 18., Mmmmmm.
It's probably too late to point this out, but a reclining chair that will only swivel if you give it �199 is probably a con.
It's never too late to point anything out on the Answerbank Ctrak, thanks for your contribution. Pile of poo, but thanks anyway.
I discovereed the site asking google a fotball question early last year.

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Because i can't remember how it works

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