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Guiness World Records

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Metz | 00:03 Mon 26th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
What would you like to hold the title of?


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Worlds Richest Person.
worlds sexiest female
If richest has gone I'd like to be the world's luckiest woman.
Fastest ever F1 lap at Monaco.
breaking the 1000mph barrier on land !

me and me moped goin like sh!t across the Black Rock Desert....
for sleeping with the most supermodels
Excellent question.

For me it would have to be.

'Longest duration of holding a clean sheet in Premiership football'
I'm talking about goalkeeping and not Laundry btw. :)


'Most expensive transfer fee for a goalkeeper'
Having the most world records!
World's Best Mum -
trouble is there's a hel! of a lot of competition
Failing that - world's best pancake maker
worlds healthiest woman
What Zorro, you just want to sleep with them? mad.

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Guiness World Records

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