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Released from a Meglomaniac

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Drisgirl | 15:46 Thu 01st Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
41 Answers
To be honest I escaped myself - lol How do people -and this is a serious issue -deal with someone who is a potental control freak who wants to rule cyber space at any cost -who would sell their own Granny to persuade people THEY are telling the truth - at the cost of other peoples integrity. Just to further widen the discussion -how do you deal with someone who is controlling and you feel like banging your head off a brick wall but you stay simply because you know they need help. I have been in personal situations and its not easy -I found I used to almost deal with them like children -ergo persuade them to tell the truth because its gonna be far worse when I find out. NB -this WILL be posted on other forums -just a wee warning. However it is a very genuine question.Its nothing to do with me if its lifted (thumbs up)


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ah i didnt frequent that site so thats where i get lost i think lol
Hello Dris lovely, I've not seen you for seemingly years.
S0d em all I say, be yourself and keep your integrity and come and play with us on the other variation of this wonderful establishment...
nox is right, theres plenty more reliable sites, come for a chatter
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Nox !!!!!

I wondered if I would chance upon you.

Its GREAT to hear from you again -youre right as usual -you know what me and my integrity are like -bound solid -much to my despair at times.

Hope the brood are well and you and the missus are as well.

Will catch you round about - look forward to it !!

red -thank you so much -I like a good old debate and blether -I still have my true friends from the other one and that will never change cos I adore them and we will always be friends and that is the most important thing for me.!!!
Dris!!!!!!!! Dris Dris Dris :-)
What's the story morning glory??? I thought you'd moved to Espanol......
All mad things going on here as usual, and Woodz has sent me a mail and it's got your addy on thank gawd.....
Always things in the planning stage but you're always in my thoughts :-)
Love to ya!!!
Beryl xxx
Its just I believe you have a personal issue against the Admin of that forum and seem to want to drop clues about it on this board, so might as well call a spade a spade!

Maybe if forums are upsetting you and you feel hurt so much you should refrain from using them and find another past time?
Just advice nothing more. xx
My Lord, you can't let this go can you?

You were also guilty of attempting rule cyber space you were telling people what they could say and what they could talk about. You were attempting to manipulate people too.

I would like to have thought you have learned that maybe that particular forum wasn't the place for you and that you'll be happier somewhere else without all the bitterness and spite.

I certainly have no bad feelings towards you but your behaviour on the site in question was out of order out of times, which you yourself admitted and apologised for.

I wish you all the best for the future but all this bad mouthing just makes you look worse. It was a difference of opinion that got out of hand. Enough of the he said, she said. We're all tired of it and this hate campaign just seems to prove that you're as devious as those you accuse.

Let it go and move on like an adult!
what Im baffled by is the fact youve come back here to slate whoever your upset with,on a site that you slagged off on the other forums!Pot and kettle comes to mind.Also i see none of your buddies here either!
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Bery -get in touch hun -I have soo missed you.I would love a catch up !!I hope you are well -o I am really excited !!!!!

Have you my EMail -its [email protected] off for for a few days but I'll catch ya hun -mwah xxxx
i tyhink u used to be on friggers world.

then went to exlax and fell out with tw!gs so i heard.
dunno why.
but you knows where i am dris
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whambam -you ARE the Admin of that site - AKA Twiglet - lol.Nice plug tho !!!

F Queen - thanks for your advice ?? - .xx
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legend -lol at what you said !!
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pinkyblue -Im sorry I missed your reply.Im not dredging anything up - Im just curious as to who you are.Of course you are more than entitled to comment -its just a bit disconcerting when I have posted under my known user name and others hide behind other names.As you seem to know me then can I assume that I know you??Strange comment re my buddies - ooo this is spooky -its almost like I have a stalker - lol
F Queen I know and again she is entitled to her opinion although it perplexes me -but hey ho live and let live.

xxxx to you both anyway !!
does anyone understand all this cryptic nonsense ?
but shes a woman so .

could be just another drama
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crete -sorry - it is nonsense - lol

legend -you can talk matey about cryptic -PMSL-how are you anyway?EMail with your news and nonsense - lol
im sure you know exactly how i am. uestion375812-3.html

apparently im legion .

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legend -I swear I dont -I was just being friendly erse - lol
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o FFS -I dont hide behind pseudonyms legend -you should know me better (rolls eyes) -Ive just read it-just someone causing mischief -I dont do that under silly names -like pinkyblue (lou) Froggy Queen -nice abbreviation to FQ - if I have something to say then I say it.
Legend knows what I am talking about so if it appears cryptic to others then I do apologise -and please ignore it.Cheers.
ignore what?
who are you you crazy bi!tch.
ive never heard of you in my life.
well except for that tim eyou got a restraining order served on me for stalking you.
it wasnt stalking i was up that tree with the binoculars just looking for the blue tit.
im a twitcher you know .

and it wwas cold that night lol

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