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Confused by user names

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Panic Button | 08:47 Sun 04th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
60 Answers
I have only one identity on here, but am very confused by the obvious fact that some people are on here with several. Can someone please spill the beans about who is who?


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when I cam back as Zorro in August....within a few posts under it, I was cloned about 7 or 8 times in 2 days
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Who else are you Whiffy (apart from Whiffey)?
Hello panic.....What secret did I almost reveal?
Whiffey has at least 20 aliases
Didn't you used to have an e Whiffy? Are you being impostererered?
im just me.

me isnt my name though.. but it would be a good name.. im guessing its already been used though. if it hasent, it will be soon.

is there a person called "WHO IS WHO" ??
I have sometimes mixed you up with Turboped
I just can't cope with all this hate!
ive been called Tripod once or twice, never been called Turboped !!
pmsl @ funky, prey tell us why anyone would call you that will ya? just to clarify, for future reference you understand. We ladies are all ears :-)
naaaaa, im shy !!!!
shy, all talk more like ;-)
ahhhhhh c'mon funky... :-)
ok, you asked for it !!!

my legs are only 3" long !!!!
I knew it!!!!!!!! :-)
Dorothy, do the words `para` and `noid` mean anything at all to you?
is one a bloke who jumps out of aeroplanes and the other a problem singers get ??????

am i close, am i ????
That's it.....I will always call you Tripod now...pmsl...
im like an upside down space hopper...

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Confused by user names

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