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I give up

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pussnboots | 01:08 Sat 14th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
91 Answers
You try to introduce a bit of light hearted banter on here, But OH NO you still get the kretins who are sex starved maniacs taking over, you know who you are, get back on the porn sites I'm sure that is where you are happiest.


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pussnboots......I put a light hearted thread up and it got banned!!!!.......spoil sports
sorry puss you on about me ? im only having a laugh sorry xx
You mean grumpii the postman frightener ? I totally agree, disgusting.
At least not so many of the die-hard cretins are spoiling it tonight - is there some 'sad-act-loser' party somewhere? And why didn't they invite me?
Ummmm will be back later to cop-off with whatever happens to be around.....zig, curly, Joe, et al.
Let's at least enjoy ourselves before the man-hungry get back! lol
Miss, you here! Did you get angry by something I said in other post? you didn't reply anymore... (gosh I do sound needy by writing that!!!)
Not for the first time, I agree with whiffey!
Quite right puss.Late night B and S is dominated by sex starved frustrated old slappers and under achieving *******. The threads get worse as the clock ticks on. I believe that most of the postings concerning ********, *******and suchlike are put on by 14 year olds who like to play on site when they should be in bed.

Oh my word, oldfashioned..that is the first time I have seen two ***** and a **** in your posts! Although they have now been edited

I have gone blind ;o)

Absolutely Bloodnok !!!

With a Trollope, or Enya.
wish i was 14 again god would i have fun on here .
Cheer up !! Oh what can it mean to a Daydream Believer ?
pussnboots i share your'e dilemma
not only on those sort of answers though

Oooh I like that song Whiffey...... x
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Thank You adar2.....x
that's not called for Grump

whiff i agree; it's fantasy of the dreamers.
hows you tonite me jezebel lol
mincer was a bit harsh lastnight to say the least
think he needs to go back to the welsh fields where he done his studying
Awww little Davy Jones...the original boy band look, eh? :o)

I love that tune ~ it reminds me of being a wee girl *sigh*
Ello adar....think I know who this is ;-)
I'm fine hun..... :)........Oh I think people need to take a step back and remember they are posting on a's pixel land......none of us know each other (well most don't)....but I don't like name calling.

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