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whiskeysheri | 16:10 Fri 20th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
23 Answers

I've just been mending the printer in my office and my hands are now black, and I mean BLACK! I've just tried to wash it off, nothing. I've tried thinners and nothing! There's nothing else to try is there? Except strippers I suppose, but I'd prefer to keep the skin on my fingers.

Can anyone suggest anything to try, please? I can't walk around all weekend with black palms!

Thanks you, guys. ws x x x


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ink the rest of your body up and no-one will know, except maybe close family and friends
my toddler is forever finding marker pens etc to play with, wet wipes work wonders :)
pmsl @ 4get.
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LOL @ 4get! :o)

Nothing's touching it, red! I've tried everything I can get my hands on. My dad's hidden the strippers now, LOL!

I have rainbow streaks mixed in with the black, too! Waaaaaah! :'o(
try using bleach but only on a tiny area at first and water it down quite a bit
nail varnish remover?, whiteboard cleaner ummm i'll keep thinking
you might just have to leave it. My mate is hairdresser and she refuses to where gloves when dying peoples hair and she has brown hands all the time
Try oil then soap, that sould lift. if not its terps im afraid me dear.
Try swarfega hand wash. My dad uses it and it takes anything off your hands!!
try hairspray,
Try body moisturisers on your hands
Question Author
Thank you for all your suggestions, you lovely people!

I tried terps and then bleach, they still didn't work. Then I used a nail brush and some 1001 carpet stain remover (oops!), that seems to have shifted it a bit after half an hour's scrubbing. It's more of a light blue colour now and the feeling in my finger tips is slightly returning... :o)
Buy the cheapest, strongest vodka you can find, scrub in a cap full, it should work,(it used to get boot polish out of carpets in my army days) if not drink it and you wont give a shat.
washing up liquid. it happened to me two days ago!
2 options try turps , white spirit

use washing up liquid or just smudge everyone u see with it
Hi Red, look at me, Ive gone all grey! I prefered green cos I stood out a bit. (sorry whiskey I got excited, are you on the vodka yet?)
ow grumpy !! i been in the pub already and am feeling tired may go sleep before i turn into a arse xxxxxxx
Finished work an hour ago and I have cracked open a couple of beers, I havnt seen you turn into an arse yet, dont go to bed and leave me high and dry!!!!!!!!
Hi Whiskey - mix some oil with some salt.
DO NOT TRY BLEACH!!! bleach contains absolutely no cleaning agents!! it will sterilize your hands but it will not clean, people believe bleach is a cleaning agent but in fact it just turns thing white by removing the colour and this is only done by soaking, if you soak your hands they will go red and get very sore!!

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