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If you were asked to pose naked would you ? (women only)

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mrknowall | 21:44 Tue 01st May 2007 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
Say a magazine wanted women of different sizes to pose naked nothing pornagraphic would you ? Does it depened how much was offered ? Or does money not come into it and what ever they offered you you would turn it down ?


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shame on you i have just got your messenger lol and no i would not do it for free

i would however pay good money to see you with a morning glory lmao !
I'd do worries
I wouldn't do it, no matter how much money I was offered.x
i wouldnt do it, and youve got too much time on your hands get back to your decorating!!! lol
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it would have to be a lot of money b4 i said yes to doing that . . i think about 50 pounds would do it lol
no i dont think i would , if i was about 2 stone lighter i would maybe .
Yes I would. As long as it's artful and not vulgar, yep. Why not??
No, not that anyone would want me to !!!
Now you mrknowall ...........Bum Chicka Whoa Whoa !!!!
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Hi mamma
y i posted the above i was chatting to sleeps and she was telling me about ch 4 tonght and i just wondered.
I would do it if the money was right i would
Yes. No problem with that. Money would n`t be an issue either.
I've done it, but just for my bf.
I wouldn't do it for money. I don't need money that badly. I have done it for my bf.

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If you were asked to pose naked would you ? (women only)

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