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Only in my sleep....

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4getmenot | 11:10 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
Is it possible to fall asleep standing up?


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i gathered that!!
Question Author
are you a newbie?
Fairly new yeah,just getting the hang of it,noticed a few regulars on some posts,some people are just so god damn rude
Question Author
Well yer I�m a regular, and as you�ve said a few of us on here. Its quite easy just be nice, and treat others as you�d like to be treated yourself, bit like life really, oh and realise that sometimes not everyone has the same opinion. xx
Yeah i noticed that,dont think im gonna post any more questions just yet thanks,ill just stick to what i know
on the way home from work if there is no seats available i will stand and sleep but always propped up against the side doubt i could do it standing with nothing around me
stupid drunken camping episode
i could im sure !!

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Only in my sleep....

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