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kp nonuts | 16:50 Thu 16th Aug 2007 | Body & Soul
49 Answers
What for,when and how did you


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Because I could.

I wanted to.

Just then.

I used the force.
Because China Doll let me.
BOO said it would be o k
for opening bottles

last thursday

quite well thank you
Nah... that was chinadolly said you could Octavius.
The bet me that I couldn't so I did
If I told you I would have to kill you
because i could

i wanted to

just then

i used the force
I'm back! I missed you... no, I missed me! Now I'm confused!
nooooo i'll think you'll find it was China Doll Octavius
i just missed me, then missed you , now whose confused!
Actually I think I just past you on the stairs...
passed even :-)
Lol! Oh how I long for some sort of editing facility on here....
i'm liking the green/grey stand on this thread very fetching
It'd probably make a lovely pair of shoes.
perhaps we should commission a pair, who would make then though?
Red or Dead do very good stripey shoes. They'd probably be best.

I think you should model them though.
couldn't possibly i think you should
But they'd look better on you I'm sure! What with those legs and everything... I could see if I could find you a matching hand bag and all sorts.

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