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ab_user | 17:25 Sat 08th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
whi here is married? what are your views on marriage? is it all its made out to be?


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Have been married,not any more.Don`t think i would marry again.
My partner and I cohabit well without the need for marriage. May marry for financial reasons, but otherwise, I think marriage has had its meaning diminished by the attitude of some that it's not really a lifetime commitment.

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i have never been married and i dont think i would want to. what is the point?
I was married for 12 years and it didnt work out. Dont think I would do it again tho.
If i did marry i wouldnt change my name,not for anyone.
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trust me, if you knew my surname you would encourge me to marry! .lol

i just dont think that marriage holds the value that it used to, i really dont :( which is a sad thing.
User? first name
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lol, i wish, even that would be better than the real thing. i do like my first name though, if a little strange, but the surname.... well, deed poll always an option!
youre right ab_user, nowadays it seems to be all about the wedding and not the commitment.

go on tell us your surname or give us a clue, why would it be encouraging?
I've been married twice - the first was a dreadful mistake & lasted 4 yrs, but the second was a wonderful relationship. I'll be honest, I don't think it matters whether people marry or not, so long as they commit to one another & not just flit from relationship to relationship. I'm a bit old-fashioned, though, where there are children involved & I'd prefer to be married. This doesn't mean to say I'm against unmarried couples who have kids - it's just the way I feel, personally. I don't think I'll ever get married again - I'll never find anyone who could match up to Mr K. ( Anyway, no-one would put up with me..!!)

I am married, 10 yrs this year.

We lived together for a couple of years before we married. My husband asked me to marry him on the Monday, and we tied the knot on the Friday, which happened to be on Valentines day... A romantic gesture then, but alas... he now refuses to but me flowers on our anniversary as they are expensive...

I have no real argument for or against...
Each to their own!!!!

Jo xx
Ive kept my married surname as I cant be bothered changing all my paperwork n stuff
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the idea of spening a fortune on marrying someone doesnt appeal to me, most people spend beyond their means when they marry and i would just be wporrying about the consequesnses that would have on the marriage afterwards!

and no..! lol, it's embarassing :)
marriage isnt a word....its a sentence
i have never been married been with bf for 18 years bit less coz we split for a while ...use to think i would never marry but last few months ive been thinking about it but think its such a big fuss for nothing really ...
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plus marriage doesn't appeal to me as you kinda need a groom lol
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i agree sleepyj, although each to their own i just cant see what marriage means these days, most common law couples have the same rights as married couple anyway i think...
I think it costs too much to get married and lets face it dont most marriages end in divorce these days??
Why people get married once is a mystery, why people marry more than once is a biggamystery.
It is said that people can change afterthey get married but I always thought this was rubbish. However.......I dated my husband for 10 years before marrying him and within one year he was treating me so badly it was unbelievable. I stuck it for 15 years before I plucked up the courage to leave him. I will never marry again. I may not even date anyone again.

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