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wake up you lot

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oldgrape | 09:14 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
80 Answers
am i the only one a wake on this site come on lazy bones!
My son woke me at 5.00 and is now having a morning nap
i cant go back to sleep now cause i'm completely awake
So u lot where ru
Wheres the questions???


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system was slow yesterday so I hit post for than I should, sleepy you really wouldnt want these knickers back now
Well the fact I am typing on here right now answers both your questions.

A pretty pointless question don't you think? What do you care where anyone is?
happiness happiness...
Question Author
what do u care if i ask a question
Dude you need to gety out more
you must love trying to find spelling mistakes and questions that you don't feel are question
WOW mind boggle if its a question then it must be a question that needs an answer to the question the cycle goes on
Another of 4getmenots useful contributions.
I don't, but the Site Rules clearly state thet CHAT is not prohibited.

We are all going to report, we all think this is a "chatty" post.
corrinne74 change the record
whos 'we'?

"we" as in us, the web site. All of us.

We don't like oldgrapes attitude do we?
anyway back to your QUESTION oldgrape. seems like the world and their kids were up all night. I think it was just one of those nights where its too hot and any sound wakes you up.
WOW! What an anwswer 4getmenot.
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right if you are going to be like that
I am doing an essay on the sleeping habits of abers and need to know who is awake and at what time
i need to know how you are feeling and am required to by the examiners to wish you all a good morning and hope that you are all fine and dandy
I am disappointed, I thought for a heart-racing moment that 'we' was the inaugural meeting of the new clique of baboons.
Well that is what this site is for you know. Oh no fogot you dont do you. Just a miserable trout.
What was up with baby redcrx then red?
4getmenot, can you take the chat offline please, we have more than enough of your crap filled posts as it is. No need for anymore now, really!
I sleep very well, was cuddled all night but when he goes to work I am usually awake for a while then finally drift off about 10mins before my alarm goes off for me to get up :-(
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hi 4gottenabout the joys of being a mother!
my son loves waking me up b4 the sparrows are even farting
There's a clique of baboons, whiffey? Can anyone join?x
"we"?? Who elected you?
then blinking sparrows. Ha Ha

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wake up you lot

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