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why is everyone so uptight?!!!!!!!!!!

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kyra16 | 01:31 Thu 04th Oct 2007 | Body & Soul
118 Answers
is it me or have all abers gone super sensative?
what is w all this bannin goin on?
what is w everyone freakin out way too easily
its supposed to be fun
bantering back n forth
so what if people argue? that makes it much more interesting people.
sorry but i think everyone need to chill
is it just me?


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Hi Goodsoulette sorry that your having a bad time also. Is there not a machine that blasts the stones into small pieces that makes it easier to pass them.
Kyra have you had a menu from a dietician on what you can eat?
Sorry I've been ages - just trying to look up stuff which might help you Ky. Any clear liquids and broths seem to be recommended, because anything gassy, fried or spicy can make things worse. I read to avoid seeds or skins, whole grains and fresh fruit (apart from cranberry juice), so your choice is very limited until you have your gall bladder taken out! I also read that most states in the US have medical cover for people who haven't got insurance or not enough of it. That's all i could find for now - but hope it helps!
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thank you ice!
so basically i can't eat anything!!!!!!!! lol damn it!
yeah they have what we call medicare but i don't qualify
you have to be single n pregnant or handicapped
shit outta luck
thank you so much for looking for me
i appreciate it!
lol LOuisa, Im ok but im pretty good with my diet. I don't seem to have much of a problem with citric stuff though. Dairy has given me hives since I was a young'un and thats where a lot of my fat would come from. I can eat jacket potatoes and beans till the cows come home. I dont really know what my options will be because I havent got the results yet, I suppose thats when I will see someone.
dot i never did
bez asked me to let you join
i said ok
but you declined

you brought her name into this you sick bitch

i will not continue your mind games
youre evilo
end of
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good luck goodsoulette! everythings triggerin mine...boooooooooooooooo
im so hungry! lol
Awww - play on your knee injury!!!!!! Lol. Not meaning to make a joke of all this - but hey - I know nothing keeps you down for very long. Got to smile when you can!
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lol ice
thx that is funny!!!!!!
shit....i gta have a smoke
i know...i know....
but i want
tje old woman in the shoe retitres just as i find the msn convos.#

you know someone told me 6 months go on msn

save the convos.


guess who???
yup dotty

gotta say thanks big style lol
What do you smoke? I think you're allowed to have one or six, under the circumstances!
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lol ice
marlboro reds
huh...wish i had something else though! lol that would make me feel sooooooooooooo much better! hmmmmmmm.....
For all that it's got long waiting lists and what not it really does make you appreciate the NHS. It must be a worrying time for you Kyra having to think about the cost and all that i would give you the money if i had it i really would. Hi Ice what a night :)
legend when you say things like that about me it is like you are talking about a tota,lly different person to me, i am not a sick bitch i am not a lying old sow, etc etc, i am nonme o those things in reality, only in your small mind, you think that because a person takes a dislike to you they deserve to be abused and ridiculed, the problem lies with you you silly man, not with me, i am absolutely normal. decent, honest, truthfulm hardworking, loyal, respectable, happy and content, all of which is alien to you, the words you use to describe me and my supposed sad life are all total fantasy, you hate it that i am happy, successful and have agreat life, get over it cos you won;t make my life change just cos you keep writing bad things about it. gimp
post the convos legend, if they exist
Yes Dot - things like that. The lying old sow bit was uncalled for - amongst others.
Hey Louisa - how are you?
Kyra - yes - lol - I hear you.
abyone byullied by their own faqmily.
who then comes online to takeit out on strangers isnt secure.

u know what i mean

and i truly do.

dot sort your real life before fighting with strangers sort ur life out eh ?
i have them .
but would dot post hers??????????????

not in this lifetime lol

she knows better lol

old gimp

icey dunno you or your personal agenda

so what is it ?
he's busy editing and fabricating stuff, leave the gimp alone he'll be hours yet
what legend is referring to is my 26 year old autistic son who has been aggressive at times due to his condition, and he thinks it is going to embarrass me to talk about it, but when i watched my son lower his best friends coffin into the grave a couple of weeks ago i saw him change into the man he has become and his problems will solve themselves with love and understanding, legend chooses to use my sons disability to ridicule me, but then that is the sort of 'man' he is
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