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No Voice

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Scarlett | 19:33 Fri 08th Feb 2008 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I have had no voice for 2 weeks. It's not tonsillitis, and I don't know if it is laryngitis. I am a singing teacher, so it is a huge worry and at the moment I can barely teach but have to keep going cos of money. I was silent for 9 days, but it did not help. My throat feels really "tight", tired, and sore. There is nothing I can see from looking in the mirror.
Any advice greatly received!


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Hi scarlet - Have you had a cold type thing too? Runny nose, sinus pain? I have just got over this and a very sore throat was part of it! xxx
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Yes I have had a cold type thing, but it's not so much that the throat is sore, but it is exhausted. My speaking voice is gravelly and it hurts to talk. When I don't speak, my jaw and head aches. Any remedies?!x
I've been croaky and losing my voice for a week or so now and been short of breath, dr said acid reflux has irritated my osophegus (coughing too) and have a viral bug.

Have you tried gargling?
Lemsip! Another remedy I have found good is Southern Comfort and hot water! xxx
If it hasn't cleared in another week, then you need to see an ENT surgeon who will look at your vocal cords. Could be a number of "innocent" things but a "functional"( nervous, anxiety state) does come to mind,but visualization of your vocal cord is essential.
Scarlett - you dont say that you have been to the doctors, but I'm assuming you have. Go back and make sure they refer you to a specialist. As a singing teacher, you just cant risk damage to your thoat by letting this go on too long! Demand a second opinion if you have to!!!!! You really shouldnt be trying to teach when it's as bad as it sounds, you are only doing more damage!! Your doctor should be giving you a letter for work to excuse you from "verbal" duties. Look after your voice girl, it's the only one you have!!!!!

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