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daffy654 | 17:05 Wed 02nd Apr 2008 | Body & Soul
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I did'nt know about that daffy, my son is Aspergers but on holiday from uni so maybe thats why.
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My son has Aspergers too,I think thats the only reason I know about it,his school didn't know either until I told them.Not that I would expect a mainstream school to
I was hoping that some of the users of AB who don't know anything about Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders might spend a few minutes educating themselves.It is a much misunderstood condition.
I know daffy. Autism is a very misunderstood condition. Many people take it that both kids and adults with various forms of autism are "GaGa" for want of a better word and deem it ok to make fun of them. My son was badly bullied at junior school. Once he got settled in to a special needs school he never looked back but still. had nightmares for weeks . I hated it when my son was in mainstream school.
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I'm sorry to hear your son was bullied josie.My son has had some incidents in the mainstream school but the special school he went to from age 4 asked me to move him to mainstream as he was too clever for them.They said they couldn't "challenge" starts high school in September and i'm worried sick about whether he will be bullied there,also we think he may lose his SSA so we are readying for a fight to keep her.She has been told there is no job for her at the primary school when my son leaves so we are hoping the high school will take her on if we get funding.
Hi ladies, I didn't know it was World Autism day, although I vaguely remember hearing something on GMTV this morning about it.

I don't know the difference between Aspergers and Autism but I am going to go off and find out now, so your work here is done for one day! LOL :-)

I read a book called the Curious Incident of the dog in the Nighttime - have you heard of it? Because I wanted to know more about the condition. The book is written (allegedly) as closely from the perspective of a sufferer with autism as possible.
Your son must be High Functioning then daffy? I lost my faith in social workers when my son was being bullied but, if your son has a good one I hope they allow him/her to stay with your son. Our son went to college but after 3 years we were told there was no more they could teach him and put him forth for uni. I was more nervous than him when he started but he's doing well (Touch wood).
Hi Natalie, I have'nt heard of that book but you'd be suprised just how many autistic kids and adults have written books! One my son reads is "Freaks Geeks and Asperger Syndrome" by Luke Jackson. He was just 14 when he wrote that book and its amazing.
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My son actually attended the same Child Development centre as Jackie Jackson's boys josie. He was in a group with her youngest son who also has Autism.
My son is classed as high functioning because of his academic ability but not with his social skills.It causes so many problems for him because he just doesn't "get it" most of the time when people are joking or being sarcastic.I'm sure you know how literal children with Aspergers are! I haven't had any dealings with social workers with my son josie,when I said SSA I meant Specialist Support Assistant,she is the teacher's assistant assigned to my son who is in class to help him,she is only supposed to help my son as the school receives funding directly because my son is a pupil there,that funding stops when he leaves. I'm glad your son is doing so well at UNI. What is he studying?
Im with you now daffy, my son never had a SSA in mainstream but he has one now in uni. Does your son have an advocate? They come in very handy! So you know Jackie Jackson and her boys? I really admire her.
Hi daffy,
I didn't know either,
My daughter is Autistic, but she's twenty three now, and goes to a day centre.

She doesn't have any speech, and about three signs, we took her out of her Special Needs school when she was sixteen, because as she didn't mix, the teachers left her to her own devices, got no help from the Social Services either.

I've mixed with parents parents of Aspergers, so I have a good idea what you, josie and others are going through.

A huge thankyou for this thread, and the link, which i've put in my favourites.
Hi Daffy, No I never knew that it was world autism day, thanks for the info. Don't know whether you are interested but there is a programme on channel 5 next wednesday about an autistic artist who has been commisioned to do a huge panorama of London. It looks very interesting.
So you had problems with social workers Lonnie or lack of them? I hope your daughter's happy with her day centre. Did you have to battle to take her out of the special school? We did with the mainstream school.
My son knows the artist Ticked. His name is Mark Allis and his works is outstanding! He's Hugh Functioning Asperger and goes to the same social club as my son. He also gives lectures on Asperger's.
yes I saw something autism related on this morning, its still very much ignored, I have 2 kids with autism and I continually struggle with other peoples ignorance.

my boys have had a nice day today though
i love this thread, really interesting

i spent 5 years working with people with learning disabilities and one guy was also autistic, no speech, just sheer frustration at no-0ne getting him

i spent hrs just sitting with him and gently chatting to him and reading to him. he would quietly hum to me and giggle! then when i`d bored him stupid, he would gently push me away.

when he wanted to express himself, he would strip, and run naked around the house like a mad man!

i miss his humour!
Maybe a day at a special school would make people more aware cazz?
well maybe, but the reality is that they will not take too much of an interest unless it affects them personally.

I bet you do miss him velvet, autistic kids can be so loveable allbeit naughty at I bet it was rewarding for you as well eh?
Yep you could well be right there cazz. Pity though eh?

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