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old mum

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mayastar | 23:04 Thu 03rd Jan 2002 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
Is there any disadvantage to being an older parent?


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It depends how old you mean.The only disadvantages I can think of are that being an older parent would physically tire you out more, that you may be be a pensioner when your child is a teenager and going through that awkward rebellious stage.Also that your child may be embarrassed by having an older parent. Apart from that,older parents are no different and may be better than young parents in that they are more patient and wiser. I was only 21 when my eldest was born and 33 when my youngest was born and I can definitely say that I think I am a better parent to my youngest than I was my eldest. I was too immature,selfish and impatient when I was 21.I do find my youngest a lot harder work though.I certainly wouldn't want to leave having a family any later than mid thirties, forty at the latest.Physically I don't think you're at your best past 40.
There are increased risks of birth deformities such as spina bifida, and also of Downs syndrome, in mothers past forty. But these are still quite rare. Apart from that, no. Go for it.
There is an article on Answerbank answering your question - just click article 2636
My wife and I are older parents. I am 56 and she is a few years younger and we have two boys aged 8 and 12. There are advantages in that we are probably a bit more wordly wise and more financially secure. The biggest disadvantage we have found, though, is that it is such incredibly hard work and tiring and we are completely worn out.

It does depend on how much support you can get from family and friends. But being older means that you are less likely to have parents who can help (we don't have).

Also, I worry that I may not be around to support them through as much of their life as would have been the case had I been younger.

The other main disadantage is that we are out of step with most other people. Our kid's friends mostly have parents who are much younger than us and they don't really want to socialise with old gits like us. And then people our age are not dragging kids around with them everywhere.

Having said all that, my boys are the best thing that I have had in my life and I wouldn't want to not have them. Better late than never!

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