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RMI scan

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coccinelle | 21:08 Sat 15th Nov 2008 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
I'm due to go for an MRI scan (not looking forward to it at all, I must add) on the paper they gave me it states to take off all jewellery and wear no make-up.
First question: I can't take my wedding ring off, so what do I do.
Second question: why no make-up? surely there's no metals in make-up!
By the way, it's for a 'down below' scan so the make-up might not apply here. Hope someone can help.


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I had a couple of MRI scans years ago. I don't recall the make up thing, but they must come across the wedding ring scenario often. I'm sure they can cover it with something industrial.

it's scary, just because it's a huge machine and quite noisy. best of luck, I hope your results are reassuring and you can put it all behind you x
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Thank you all for your support. I've been and had it done.
I was allowed to wear my t-shirt, (but had to take bra off) knickers and socks (I was glad of them as my feet got cold!) . My arms were above my head so no problem for the wedding ring and nothing was said about make-up. I did enquire about the make-up but they said it was mainly eye make-up when having head or neck scans.
No operation to go through so that's a blessing. Thanks again.
O that is good news -i'll bet you are mighty relieved.!!

I cant add to this as its done and dusted apart from I bleeding hated it but I managed to resist squeezing the 'panic' ball -mine was a full body and I did have to remove everything.
My husband came in as I was terrified being claustraphobic and he had to remove everything which had metal and he was just there massaging my feet -in only basicaly a tee shirt and knickers lol.

I too was OK thankfully.

Well done - its not easy but you did it !!!!
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Thank you drisgirl. I don't know if they'd allow another person in at my hospital but it's interesting to know for another time which I hope there won't have to be....

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