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how to look older??

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SCARFACE | 21:39 Sat 27th Nov 2004 | Body & Soul
20 Answers

hi i'm 19 years of age, i look at lot younger than my real age. People assume i'm 13 to 15 at the most. I always have problems when applying for jobs, getting pulled over by traffic police. Once a cop had to verify and he thought i had somebody else's driver's license. in other words, i'm sick of this life!!!!

i'm about 5'9 1/2, i weight 125 lbs. and I have a slightly smaller head than everybody else and i attribute my problems to the shape of my face.

Please assist me in this matter, HOW CAN I LOOK OLDER?



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And today you are 19 - if you act older it might reflect on your presence therefor people won't assume your only 10

The best thing that you can do when someone doesn't believe your age is  to not get annoyed, anger will only make you seem younger. Instead laugh, make a joke & calmly assure them that you are telling the truth.

Dress smartly, a little formally maybe, it is possible to  do that without looking fuddy-duddy. And don't have a whacky, spiky hairstyle, just a tidy, modern look. 


I'm a 50 yr old female & have always been told that I look younger & I love it!  The funniest thing was when someone looked at my two sons & said "Are they your husband's children?"  To which I replied "Well he thinks they are"!

Hey Scarface,  What Noddy said is true.  I look younger than my 50 plus years and it's great.  I have always looked younger than my years.  Just act your age and smile sweetly when anyone doubts you.  Have an ID pass to hand!  Be proud of what you are.  From experience of working with young people (and from being a mum to a young man)I know that a lot of lads have genuine concerns at your age about looks, etc and can get extremely depressed.   My son at 21 is often mistaken for 17!  At 14 he was asked if he was 11!!


Hold your head high and remember when all those others out there are looking old and haggard you will still be fresh faced and attracting all the attention.


Good luck.


Spend a week with my ex....
Grow a beard

Well, it's nice to know I'm not the only one with that problem! I'm 17, but you should be glad your at least TALL.  I'm only 5'0 (well, really 4'11 and some fraction but....) and 95 pounds.  I keep getting pulled over too.  I just laugh and dive into this whole thing about how my whole family is short (not exactly true...) and throw in a bunch of big words.  Don't forget to smile the while time!  Usually they get tired of listening to me talk about how my great-grandma was only 4'7 when she died at age 87 and leave me alone.

P.S.Pinotage: how do you know scarface in a he?

yo jelly does scarface hav to b a he to grw a beard?!
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Scarface-- just hold on I can assure you if you look after yourself, you WILL HAVE the LAST LAUGH!!!! Cosmetic companies try to get people to spend ������s just to look younger, but if you do Just smoke too much, drink too much and take drugs, then when you are dead.....God you'll look old and if you don't die, you will look like ****
Aww, i look younger then i am, which i think is a good thing. Last time i was at work and a customer asked me "so what did you get for your GCSES?" and i'm 21 lol. I told him my grades, but then i said, that was like 5 years ago.

Scarface - I am female and in my late thirties. People have always said that I looked younger than I was. At first, I didn't like it, because I thought it meant like I hadn't grown up at all. But now I take it as a compliment when they say that I look about 30 or 31 when I'm really 38.


You could try one of those fake moustache, nose and glasses disguises. i find they make people look old.
You could try one of those fake moustache, nose and glasses disguises. i find they make people look old.  Or maybe try wearing some of your granparents clothes and use a zimmer frame or walking stick.

Well, you should be glad you look younger.  Younger is cuter!  I'm 31, but people think 24/25 & reckon I'm taking the proverbial when I reveal my actual years! Perhaps us 'young-lookers' should just invent an age to suit, then?  Althou' when I was 14/15 I used to wear make-up/heels to get into bars/clubs etc.& to appear more 'sophisticated' than I was.  Althou' now I'm training to be a solicitor, perhaps not the appropriate image to convey!

But in the long-run, you'll be thanking your lucky genes!! 

Hi! I had that problem too; I got harassed whenever I tried to purchase alcohol in the first few years after I became of legal age.  It does help to dress conservatively.  A sporty or trendy look will not help any!  Wear dark colours like navy blue and black...  Don't show too much skin (if any)...  Your choice of coat and purse (shoulder-bag), especially, has a great effect, they should both be very adult-looking... a dark wool coat rather than a bright nylon one, a large shoulder-bag rather than a tiny purse or backpack.  Not wearing your hair in bangs helps a lot, I suddenly looked older when I grew out my bangs completely, and displayed my forehead.  Wearing lipstick will help a lot, in an adult shade that is dark.  A shiny, pearly, bubble-gum pink, lip gloss will certainly not help!!  Wearing grown-up-looking high heeled shoes will help, but not higher than 2 inches or else you will start to look young again.  Also, try wearing nylons whenever your legs are exposed in a skirt or dress; bare legs often look girlish.  The nylons can be in a natural shade, the only thing that matters is wearing them at all.  Try not to look too happy for no good reason; adults are burdened with problems and don't smile as often!!!!  Cheers.
Oops, I assumed you are female - I don't know why!  If you are male, try facial hair or at least some stubble.  The same thing about conservative dressing goes for men, too.  Your clothes should fit right, which means not too tight-- the tailored look is the aim, fitting perfectly without being too small or too large, or too short in the legs & arms.  Also, denim is a fabric that makes people look young, so you'll want to avoid it.  The same goes for the less expensive, synthetic fabrics-- they are all that most young people can afford.  Wool, silk, and fake-but-natural-looking fur are more adult fabrics.  If you are male you might try carrying a briefcase, either hard-sided or soft-sided yet still manly, in either brown or black, in leather or faux leather.  A backpack, knapsack, or rucksack will make you look forever like a university student.  So will sneakers / tennis shoes.  Your hair colour should be a realistic tone, one that is actually found in nature!  OK, I think that's all.  BTW, what do people call nylons in Britain? ...Stockings? Or pantyhose, 'hose,  or something else?

grown a beard, if i shave mine off id say i look young...

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I am 31 and i have the same problem you do. People are amazed when i tell them i'm 31. I always get proofed, even for lotto! I used to get really upset about it, but now i don't altho i do wonder if my looking younger has affected my career advancements, since i look like i'm in my early 20's. I have cut my hair (not too short , shoulder length, b/c i liked my long hair), but there is really not much else i can do. I don't really wear that much make up either.
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