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What does it cost to hire a portaloo?

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Scarlett | 22:00 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
I'm doing some filming at the weekend at a church with no loo in the middle of nowhere! I feel I ought to provide a porta loo, like at festivals, but just one. Any idea what that would cost?

Sorry- really not sure what category this should be in!


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£25 a week here. Not sure about w/es;

Couldn't you ask the church if you could use their facilities?
alba... the church has no loo...
snags you saying that reminds me of the dog that has no nose :D
NK has a spare orange bucket..
What about the Font?
a b&q bucket a small spade and some sand .....................Done!
^ Praise the Lord!
apart from saying that Paul can't go to that church,
it had better not be MY orange bucket
How much a week!! They're taking the pee....
Hi Scarlett

Look what they do at a local church down the road from us, when they put in a portaloo!!


Yep....block the that's taking the .......! x
Question Author
Hahahaha oh that's classy!
Yellow pages???
it's the God Sees All motto above it that'd put me off, yogi

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What does it cost to hire a portaloo?

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