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Gay Marriage

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Nay35 | 09:10 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | Relationships & Dating
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I think it's important to not hurl abuse at people, no matter how much you disagree with them.

It's important to have these debates, isn't it? We don't want to deter people from expressing controversial views, or our debates will start to become a bit mundane. But I think we should restrict ourselves to attacking the point ... not the person who makes the point.
Well said JJ
I disagree. If someone makes what I consider to be an ignorant comment, I reserve the right to say they are ignorant.
Gay Marriage?

It's a misnomer

Marriage = man & woman

The facts may change soon, joeluke.

Not anymore Joe. Like it or not...but that's the 'fact'
How do you know that you don;t have a worlk colleague, neighbour or relative that is in a gay relationship and may one day wish to marry their choice of life partner? Would you tell them to your face that you found their life sick etc , or do you save your opinion for strangers only?
Irrespective of gender, if 2 people want to live together, fine by me. If 2 people want to get married, that's fine too.
To me marriage is between a man and a woman.
crat there is a difference between a marriage and a wedding
sorry, *craft!
To me marriage is a contract between two people
DJH: It isn't an either/or situation. I don't give my opinions to either strangers or "work colleague, neighbour or relative" s, unless it's asked for.
I am wholly in favour, do not see why a section of society should not have the same right to a union as the rest.
in was directing that post to the OP actually
Mamya they did have the same right to a union with civil partnerships, which were not open to hetero couples.
Well that in it's own way is a segregation, not good I agree, still think the fact they can now marry is a good step.
Gay men married or not...good luck to them...but I think the mechanics of the relationship might be a bit eye watering.
Bright Spark. I don't see that the mechanics of anybody's sexual relationship are any of our business.
And for the record, not all gay men indulge in the practice you are referring to.
what is wrong with a gay couple getting married?

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