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Getting back into dating

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Petal~flower | 01:13 Thu 10th Jan 2008 | Relationships & Dating
51 Answers
You who know me on here, know I my relationship broke up last year (yawn) and thanks to all who listened (bez, sleepy) especially.

But the way the relationship ended, has dented my self esteem. He moved away for a big salary. And brand new car. After being together for nearly 4 years. (says a lot about me huh!) lol

But I am now well over him. But am finding it hard to move on and wanting to meet anyone else. I cant be bothered to try even.

Online dating doesnt really appeal to me.

I sort of want to be with someone, but to be honest, am scared of getting hurt all over again.

p.s. had a couple of glasses of wine, if not I would not of posted this lol


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legend, I think its a myth that all those dating sites are swamped with just men looking for sex. Women do it too!

Pasta. yes you make sense to me xx
so right,pet xx
Men get hurt too you know? Grrrrrr

See you women.
Question Author
Legend I didn't say they didnt. Did I?
Ive heard a few tales of guys when they meet someone on these sites.They say they will leave.But stay there still looking.If theres a better opportunity im sure theyre the type to move on.But i might be wrong.Maybe.
leg may not be interested in finding a soulmate or he doesn't understand the fear,...and pain even.....well leg???Iwe don't want to mess around...or get messed about with...emotions are frigile.
Leg - Scott and Evelyn and they did get a lot of feedback -it was fun cos i was involved (of course -my PC lol) -they met and spoke to people then i got fed up with them coming up everyday to check messages so that out paid to that -lol

Here Leg same could be said for someone you meet in the pub -o yeah i'm single -we'll just go back to yours cos its closer -o I have to go cos I forgot to let the cat out -heard all the patter before.Was kinda glad cos the morning after is hoooorrreeeennnnddooouuuss -you dont know if youve been snoring it up -mouth like the bottom of a budgies cage -o no -never again -lol
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Legend, I went on a dating/friends site. Got this married man talking to me, I told him I was not interested. But in our previous chats (before I knew he was married) he told me about women he had met on the site, who were married and wanted to meet someone for a threesome.

Thats what put me off dating sites. Oddballs!
true trinny

thats the problem
Question Author
pasta, thats my fear too. Getting involved with someone from a dating site, who you like, but they could be chatting and flirting away with loads of other women. And not taking you seriously. Like playing a game really.

Are we talking the same thing here? lol xx
ooo-yuck...and creepy
Same could happen in a pub -trust me.
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What happened to good old fashioned romance huh
romance has a place but its not the great thing its made out to be doll.
says who...whenn it happens..iss like locomotive....hits you...
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Romance exists Legend. Its just finding it nowadays thats the problem.
locomotive maybe,maybe not doll
i think thats just fantasy doll.
Question Author
Why is it a fantasy then Legend?

Is it because society is so sex obsessed?

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