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knsybug | 19:07 Wed 26th Mar 2008 | Relationships & Dating
2 Answers
Ok I have been dating this man for the past 4 1/2 months i have fallen in love with him very much .Now my question is my man and his ex have been separated a little over 2 years, as with me and my ex. but here is the deal he talks or texts her almost everyday and it is hardly ever about the kids its just to bs or when she is drunk at 2am. ok ya i think that they should have a friendship to a certain extent like my ex and i do it is about our child and sure as heck not drunk texts or phone calls at 2am. How do i explain this to him in a way that he will get it cuz i have talked to him about it before and he says that he just has to keep in good with her but for the first 3 months of our relationship they hardly ever talked and when they did it was really just about the kids.


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Hey knsybug,

Did he leave his ex or did she throw him out? Do you know why they split?

My initial reaction is that she has the upper hand, she says jump, he asks how high.

I am slightly biased due to my own experience lol

BB xx
Maybe this is just habit, they have become accustomed to keeping that last link to their past relationship there and it's just become the norm. You say they have been separated for 2 years, do they have plans to actually get divorced?

Perhaps you need to be more forthright and ask him what the nature of their relationship is and if they are still holding a torch for each other. It is only 4 months into the relationship and you seem quite sure you have fallen for him. Perhaps you ought to find out what his true feelings are towards you and if he is taking the relationship as seriously as you are.

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