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I knew I loved you before I met you

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4getmenot | 16:30 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | Relationships & Dating
42 Answers
Was just listening to the song and wondered if this had ever happened to any other ABers. All the people I have been involved with I can remember exactly when I first saw them and at that very moment in time I knew I would end up with them sometime in the future


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bu88er.....the Tesco delivery man's just escaped........
bu99er too slow AGAIN!!!

Gotta go now - off to crafty's - race you fluffy LOL Ooh I wonder if there's an eclair in the fridge too...
Perhaps he heard us coming
just realised what she has just posted and hangs her head in shame....
might of heard you coming i'm not a screamer.......

and if there's cake or eclairs i will be there so quick
lol rinkins how did you know...Tesco order may have included.......6 choc eclairs.....400 fags.......6 assorted bottles of white wine........1 litre of gin......don't know what I'm having for dinner.....
LOL fluffy.......

I'm there!! Pour us a glass crafty we're on our way!!

Laters xx
...the builder is hastily packing his tool-box.....
''don't know what I'm having for dinner..... ''

A hangover...
i'm having gammon....
i'm having gammon....
just joking snags......I'm going to throw some rib-eye at the grill and make a nice crunchy salad.....
I'll be there in a jiffy, Craft. And I'll bring a couple of bottles with me !!!

Cheers anyway, China. x

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then snags obviously you are a no to my question. :-) and just havent had that feeling. And I'm even necessarilly on about the one just people that have had a huge effect on your life
''then snags obviously you are a no to my question. :-) and just havent had that feeling''

Not on the very first meeting, no...
you haven't met me yet snags....

you haven't met me yet snags....

you haven't met me yet

^ pmsl... do you think you could be 'the one' then?
or me!!

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I knew I loved you before I met you

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