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More than insurance

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mrknowall | 15:29 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Personal Finance
4 Answers
Has anybody found problems getting to talk to the right people with More than insurance. I applied on line.


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I tried and tried to get insurance with More Than last year.

I applied on line but got into a loop that was impossible to get out of - it was impossible to complete.

I tried telephoning and their attitude was dreadful. They admitted there was a problem with the website, but helpfully said I could apply over the phone - but it would cost a lot more.

Many wasted hours on line, five telephone calls and still no insurance a week later. I cancelled.
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Thanks Ethel
I had that same problem when i applied on line.
In the end i got there i waited two weeks and no paper work had come.So i rang them and they said they have dont have any record of me.
I checked my bank account no monies had been taken so i applied again on line.
I waited two weeks and guess what i got two letter from more than with two different acccounts.
This has now been sorted

I needed to ask advice on my policey so i rang customer services and because i applyed on line i had rang the wrong number
They gave me another number to phone so i rang it
They answered and gave me another number so i did the same
They answered and gave me another number and to press 5 at options
They answerd and said i come through to the wrong section he told me they seem to be sending all the calls to him.
Anyway he took my details and they emailed me the following day and apologized and someone would phone me within 24 hours.
That was 2 months ago I Hope I Never Have To Put A Claim In
Disgraceful. And insurance is a highly competitive market - there are plenty of companies wanting your money.

You really would think that customer service to BUY insurance would be a priority.

I hope you don't have to claim, too!

Go elsewhere next year.
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You only know how good a company is when you need them.
And then its too late they have your money
I wont be going back next year
I hope they ask why

Many thanks

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