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can any one help me?

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TaylorLyn | 01:48 Fri 16th May 2008 | Personal Finance
5 Answers
i need $3500 and im 17 years old and unemployed how can i get it? and i do plane on payin it back


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LOL, so you are going to take a plane to pay it back?
Sorry forgot to add, you could start with selling your computer.
Asking someone who is actually in the same country as you would be a start. This is a UK website and most people on here know nothing about borrowing money in the US.

If it's anything like the UK though, you have got absolutely no chance as you are a) under 18 and b) unemployed.
You could sell your PC, you could strat selling off some of your posessions on ebay, you could do some yard work for your neighbours, you could do something (a marathon or the likes) and ask for sponsorship, though that last suggesstion, it would really depend what you need the money for, it would have to be something pretty spectacular before I would donate money to anything other than charity.
av u tryed contackting a lowcal nyoospaper? U cud mebbe be a prooof reeder.

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