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Engagement Ring

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Spangler_56 | 20:41 Thu 02nd Jun 2005 | Business & Finance
6 Answers
If an engagement ring was given to me as my christmas and as my birthday gift, do I have to give it back when myself and my fiance break up?


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Hi There

No I dont think it can be taken back but I am aware of successful cases where the ring was a family heirloom and was given with the understanding that it belonged to the family in the case of a break up.  I think it depends on the value of the ring.

My question would be, why would anyone want to keep a ring once a relationship has broken up and it was bought and given with love and now that has gone what would the owner want with it???  Unless of course it was expensive and they are going to sell it in which case it should be given back.

Personally, I would give mine back, it wouldnt 'belong' to me anymore.

why do you say "when" rather than "if"? are you speaking theoretically? personally, if we had broken up on bad terms I'd sell it and buy something else
my guess is that if it was as a presnet as well as given for a purpose you can keep it unless it is a heirloom of the guy that gave it you- if it is his family heirloom then it is wrong to keep it in my opinion.

Some people might want to keep it if the break up wasn't mutual.  Especially if they are clinging on to the relationship and the hope that the love will be rekindled.  Whilst it's not productive, there's no real harm in doing so. 

Legally - a gift is a gift.  Unless it's explained to you that it's yours in a trust type situation, as described by Mrs P

Unl;ess, as already pointed out, there was a prior agreement for the ring to be returned if the marriage did not proceed (e.g. if the ring is an heirloom), then, legally, you are not obliged to return it.  However, custom dictates that if the receiver of an engagement ring breaks off the relationship, they should return the ring to their ex. 
if u are on sociable terms and he is local why not visit him and offer it back to him but explain that u would like to keep it as it means a lot to u as a gift more than a engagement ring still, and u still treasure it but that u are offering it back as it is only right, he may let u keep it then

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