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Is Anyone Else Having Issues With The New Santander App

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Debinmk | 10:44 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
5 Answers

Is anyone else having issues with the new Santander app, it takes an age to load at every stage of the login process, every time, but all other apps and sites I load are instant.  Used to be instant until the new app



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I ditched Santander when they recruited Ant&Dec for their advertising campaigns. I'll rot in hell before seeing my money go to that pair! (rant over - no idea about the app)

No problems for me, opens very quickly on my Android phone and my iPad.  Can't say I like the new app but doubtless I'll get used to it

I'm surprised they haven't rebranded as Santandec. 

Yes, the app keeps saying loading and asking me to log in even after I have done, but it gets there eventually

I know this doesn't answer your question but I couldn't resist ...  my Santander app kept telling me I was getting ridiculously low interest rates so I closed my accounts with them and went from 0.5% to Halifax where I'm currently getting 4.2 with the same money

I'm getting a good interest rate with Santander, 5.5%

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Is Anyone Else Having Issues With The New Santander App

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