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Just wrecked my credit score :-(

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fairy! | 10:38 Sat 20th May 2006 | Business & Finance
1 Answers
I moved house a month ago, I'm not on the electoral role yet, but didn't really think about it when I applied for a credit card the other day. I've just been declined for the first time in my life! I know it's due to moving house coz i got credit just before I moved no probs.

I'm pretty worried that this will affect my credit score forever... all I did was move house... it's not fair!!



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Not wrecked forever.

If you are not on the electoral roll at the address on the application for credit there is a high probability of rejection.

Go down to your local town hall/council offices and ask for an Electoral Registration Form and your details should be updated within one calendar month.

Your credit score will likely also be affected if you have been at your current address for less than 3 years, even more so if for less than 6 months.

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Just wrecked my credit score :-(

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