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vikki67 | 23:42 Wed 28th Feb 2007 | Business & Finance
10 Answers
Is it ok to pay money into the bank that is all coins. I have �420 in �1 coins, 50p,20p,10p and 5p. Most of it is �1 coins and 50p's. Will my bank take these off me, to pay into an account not to change. Somebody told me that they could be funny over this, is this true ??? I thought money was money.

Thanks in advance Vikki


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yes you can as long long as you have an account with them whcih sounds like you have. you need to make sure it is all bagged up correctly. as i work for a bank, the only time they get funny is if its not bagged properly. make sure the bags are filled with the same coins and not mixed.
You will have to bag the money according to the amounts shown on the bags. This is standard, and I'm not sure that loose coinage in any amount more than that is technically legal tender (eg, you can have �10 worth of 10p pieces in a bag and �1 worth in loose change, but if that �10 wasn't bagged, then it wouldn't be legal tender - I think).

When I say �10 worth, I'm not sure what the actual amounts are, so you'd have to check. Angie?

You can get the bags from the bank. You just need to ask, that's all.
Question Author
Thanks for the replies. I'll take it today. Do they weigh the bags to see if the correct amount is in, I'd hate to be in front of a tutting queue.

Vikki x
As per the previous answers, yes you can, as long as the coins are properly bagged.

I save 20p, 50p and �2.00 coins and the only problem I have had is that my bank will not accept more than 5 bags at a time. It really annoys me and I pay 5 bags in and return to the queue with anotehr 5 bags, just to make a point!

Why do they call themselves a bank, when in the 80's I paid in much more than 5 bags.

Good luck!
Question Author
That's what I heard. They will only take so many from you. It's ridiculous if it's bagged and counted properly. Like I said money is money.
some building societies will not accept more than a certain amount of change per month.
I save up change and deposit in my sons account for him. He is only allowed �50 in change per month, even though it is all counted and bagged appropriately.
They shouldn't get funny with you. The bag amounts are as follows:

1p= �1.00

all bags are weighed also.
If it's a proper bank they won't blink an eye. Some of the Building Societies will turn their nose up though.

Bag as others have suggested.
Another thought - you might get asked money laundering questions, like how you acquired so much change. Probably not - it may not be enough to trigger the question, but it's possible.

If they've got any doubts at all about taking it, the best way to trigger a refusal is for you to turn all hoity-toity and say what business is it of yours or words to that effect.

And no money isn't money, or some money is more equal than others. Coins cost a lot to handle - if you had a business account and wanted, or paid in, large amounts of change on a regular basis you'd get charged for it.
Question Author
Thanks for the replies. They would only accept 5 bags, so I guess it's a few trips into town for me..


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