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Complaint about "The Halifax"

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ceejay123 | 21:42 Tue 07th Aug 2007 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
Who can I make a complaint to about the behaviour of "The Halifax"
I know there is an agency who will deal with the complaint but who is it?
Many thanks in anticipation.


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Financial Services Ombudsman

But they may not be interested unless you have already sought a satisfactory conclusion to your complaint from the Halifax
What have they actually done????
Question Author
I would like to tell you what the Halifax has done but it might be a bit too early.
I think they are a bunch of F........g ***** and thatsputting it mildly.!!!
They are asking those with a mortgage which isgoing to finish within the next 4 moon
Question Author
Hi "Prince"
I have calmed down a bit now! The "problem" is small but very irksome.
Our mortgage is due to end on Oct 1st.Last month they wrote asking me if I would like to pay it off but said I would have to pay �125 for the privilidge. Of course i rang and said no.
This month they have sent the same letter but this time its only �75 extra to pay it off!!
They also want �50 to send the deeds and if I dont pay this �50 they will destroy the deeds.
Well they can destroy 'em as the Land Registry have copies and I don't really need them (The Halifax confirmed this!)
Worst of all is that there is a very misleading sentence in the letter saying that an additional fee of �75 will be levied with the final payment!! Then they say unless the mortgage has run it's course!!!
That is what I wanted in the first place. They seem bent on causing confusion. If I wanted to pay off the mortgage I would have asked.
I don't think a massive company such as this should try to con folk into paying a fee such as this,. That is what is winding me up.
We have investments with them and insurence but I intend to find another provider for all thier products we have with them.
Thanks anyway. Perhaps others out there have had these shabby letters from thier mortgage lenders.
Would you/should I complain to the F S O??
The Halifax can go to ... well you can guess! Tried to say that l'll have to pay them over �2000 to change my morgage to some other bank after my fixed rate is up. I phoned a few times always speaking to someone different and low and behold i'll only have to �200. Some difference. They then asked why i would want to move, i said that their rates were rubbish and if they kept going up we couldn't afford to keep the house. The reply was 'that's ok well put your house with the thousands of others that we have taken off other people. Totally sh!te !!

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