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Where would be the best place to invest £4000 for around 1-2 yrs?

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tigwig | 16:59 Mon 24th Jan 2011 | Business & Finance
9 Answers
I wouldnt need access to it until then. Is there such thing as a high interest savings account now?


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You'll be lucky to get much more than £100 a year in interest
Lloyds Bank sent me something today offering 1.8% interest. You could put it in a cash ISA if you are liable to pay tax, so you won't pay tax then on the interest, but the rates are still only very small at the moment.
You could put it in my bank account for that time, if you did not want it back again that is. Does that sound good to you, or did you want interest for it?
There's not much interest anywhere at the minute. What about Premium Bonds? There's a million on offer each month as top prize.
Premium Bonds, ISAs or a Two-Three Year Bond. Low interest everywhere at the moment so look at one of the money websites for comparisons.
3:30 at Kempton Park?
Why not check out the interest rates being offered for 1 & 2 year fixed term savings bonds with banks or building societies on
Another good website with a savings section is
I wouldnt invest 4000£ in a single cash isa as suggested here.

I went to lloyds recently and they said that the maximum amount of saving has increased so you can save 5100£ every tax year as opposed to the last year 3200£ (maximum) every tax year. Anyway the interest you get are still not much. About 2.8% gross. I wouldnt advise you to a cash isa if you want to invest in a good saving account. The cash isa is for minimum risk investors.

Halifax 3 years ago was offering a massive 4.75% interest at (3 years) deposit.
I think now this gross has gone down if you go to halifax and ask for a leaflet, they will provide you with all the savings account available.

There is some other saving which takes into account a fixed rate of 3.5 % in the first year and then euribor 6months for the next 3/4 year at HSBC.

The best option is really send your money to an Indian trusted bank and control your money abroad. If you have a good amount of money such as 50k you wouldnt have to work anymore. Would be enough to live in India at a massive rates of 8%. With the indian cost of life, you would have a life of a king.

Take other things in consideration when you invest in a term deposit, such as the need for money in the short time. Question related to marriage, purchase of an asset, mortgage, etc etc.

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Where would be the best place to invest £4000 for around 1-2 yrs?

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