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Dads on birth certificates

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stoke-lass | 23:40 Mon 08th Jan 2007 | Parenting
6 Answers
my sons has nutting to do wiv his dad is there anyway i can get him off the birth certificate or is he on there for ever now ?


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ermmmmmm no cos he's his dad isn't he.
I don't think you can. In any case why take away your sons identity? surely it would be better for him to know his dads name later on.

I speak from experience.
Yep, it's permanent.
lets hope you spelt it right when you put it there,.
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i dont want him to know his dad he is nuttin but a jerk n he has even said that he aint got feelings for my son wudnt it b better to get him out of his life now rather than giving him heart ache when older

He may want to know when he is older. Please spare him the heartache of trying to find a dad he doesn't know the name of. If there is no contact now, then fine, but you never know what may happen in the future. He may not be in his life now, but removing a name won't change anything in that respect even if it were possible..a birth certificate cannot be changed.

You say YOU don't want your son to know his dad. My mother said the same thing to me and I have never forgiven her for it. Do you want that?

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Dads on birth certificates

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