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emx384 | 00:33 Thu 17th May 2007 | Pregnancy
5 Answers
I love answerbank! Like to have a peek at the pregnancy pages every now and then as am 'trying'!! Would love to join in the conversation soon, although been six months of trying now!!! Can I ask - did any of you have vivid 'being pregnant' dreams before you became pregnant - seems to be a nigtly event for me!!!


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I had those dreams for years before I even considered being pregnant. And had them almost as soon as my son was born.

If you are seriously trying to conceive then ivillage have message boards for those who are TTC where you can share info and tips. preg

Hope to see you discussing your pregnancy on here soon, good luck
I had really vivid dreams both times when I was pregnant - in fact that was what prompted me to test on the second time. I also had really vivid dreams when I was slightly late - to me, I feel like that was times where I was conceiving but it was wasn't forming correctly as a very early stage - first few days - then my period coming just slightly late. We tried for two years for our first child and then had the 2nd 13 months later!

Just keep trying, I would recommend that if you have no sucess after a year and you are over 35 then you should go and see your doctor. If you are under 35, they will only give you a referral after 2 years, I am sure however that this will vary in different areas.
Hi Em. I used dream a lot that I was preganant, sometimes they so vivid that I'd wake up actually convinced that I was pregnant, the power of the mind is scary. However, now I am pregnant I keep dreaming about giving birth. I can tell you which one is preferable!
I'm a regular on where they also have a TTC chatroom.
Good luck and happy dreaming x
I had lots of dreams whilst expecting that I was having a boy, as did my dad!
I had a beautiful bouncing baby..........girl! lol
Hi em, cant say vivid dreamsbut lots of dreams bout the future and imagining what was hopefully to come. Relax and keep trying mate we look forward to your updates. xxxxxxx

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