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4getmenot | 09:44 Fri 18th Apr 2008 | Pregnancy
64 Answers
Good morning I am very pleased to announce that redcrx gave birth to a 9lbs 6ozs baby girl at 2.40am. Labour 1hr 50 mins and almost delivered in car park. All redcrx's doing well. Am so proud of her

Aunty 4getmenot xx


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course it is
Oh wow! that was quick!

Congratulations to all the CRX's and to you too Auntie 4get!

Sorry 4get,I was so excited to see the post I didn't read it properly and thought she had given birth in the car park.pmsl.Now that would have been a story to tell!!!
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I woke my bloke up both times she rang and he fell back to sleep, then I woke him up again and said 'She's had a little girl' And he said 'What the **** you wake me up to tell me that for?' I thought charming, then this morning he kissed me goodbye for work and I said 'Sorry I woke you lastnight' he said 'Did you?' and when I said she's had baby he said 'Has she?' lol
Blimey, lucky lady! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxx
Fantastic news! All the best to redcrx and the whole family - congratulations! xx
Many congrats to redcrx and family on their new arrival :) xxx
O that is the best news -its ace when you follow the 'diaries' on here and then the result -I was aw teary when I read it -fab !!!!
Does it seem to be all girls so far or have I missed a boy out somewhere?
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all girls this year I think
my daughter had a boy on February 1st Dris,it was announced here,he is 11 weeks old today :-)
How's the lovely little chappie going, daffy? x
He's a bit poorly at the moment Icey,he has a stomach bug and is not feeding properly,all he want to do is sleep bless him. I babysat for him last Friday,he was here all night and I was soooooooo Its a lot different when its someone elses tiny baby you are in charge of instead of your own! My daughter was grateful though.Thanks for asking.x
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she's just msgd to say she's now being discharged x
That's great news!! Congratulations to redcrx and all the family, and congrats to you too auntie 4get xxx
Fab, bet she's so glad to be coming home! Nothing being home to enjoy your new family!

x x x x x x x x x xx
Congratulations to the Redcrx family :o)
9lb 6ozs? Ouch!!!! - xxxxx
Congrats Redcrx and Mr Redcrx!! A beautiful little sister for little redcrx!!!
Congrats again :o)
Take care xxx
Congrats to redcrx and family. My son weighed 9lb 1oz and arrived in a hurry. Ouch indeed.

Most years I bought a Xmas turkey about that weight. When I told my son that was how big he was at birth even he said ouch!
FAB!!! So happy for her!! Delightful news!! And what a lovely healthy baby weight!!!!

congrats to you all! xxx
congrats to red a gorgeous little girl.send her my love and give big kiss to the little one.hope to hear from her soon!!!
im sure she was so glad of a quick labour??

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