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my x wife

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dell1965 | 22:35 Sat 07th Aug 2010 | Family & Relationships
31 Answers
she wos towing a caravan that wos regetard to me and crashed and thay writen of,the car wos regetard to her.she keeped 4000 for it. the caeavan wos in regetard to me but she wos the insuard i have stoped the payment and she is asking for 50 50 pay out. but will not give 50 50 of the car the caravan is 10.000 and i will not let the insurance pay out and less i get 50 40 no the car.dont no wear i stand with this one


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this is one for MarkRae...
Can you say that again in English?
are youse likely to get back together again
Have you been drinking? Can;t understand any of that!
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right, so I got;

regetard = registered

insuard = insured

that's it. anyone else?
butch - didnt mean you! :)
She was towing a caravan the was registered to me and crashed. They have written it off. Car is registered in her name. She kept £4,000 for it. The caravan was registered to me but she was insured. I have stopped the payments (presuming insurance) and she is asking 50/50 from the pay out (from the caravan) but will not give 50/50 of the cars payout. The caravan is worth 10k and I will not let the insurance payout unless I get 50/40.
umm didnt know you spoke gibberish
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That's how I read it....I don't no what 'no the car' at the end means though.

Alex....I've just spent a bit of time reading it. At least he used fullstops...
ummmm ..... do you translate any other language???
I don't understand what you mean Butch?? lol
I understood it - am I tipsy?
Just illiterate and chav I'm afraid...
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Ah now dat is not a fine ting because woo would get the other 10 if yee had 50 40 . Yees says that yee stopped the payment-Oime surprised if yee are not the insured the insurer let yee do that as yee won't have a contract with them and yee would not have a roight to stop the payment to your x woife
He meant 60/40...I should have picked up on that.
it's "unless I get 50/40 *on the car".

this must involve some form filling, lol!

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