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What's for tea/dinner?

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merciasounds | 14:33 Mon 13th Jun 2011 | Food & Drink
81 Answers
Got friends coming around so, I'm making

Three types of melon, iced with ginger mint

pork tenderloin wrapped in pancetta, and sage leaves, served wih baby new potatoes and wilted greens, with light Calvados (apple brandy) cream sauce.

Light as a feather tatrte au citron served with fresh raspberries and whipped cream.


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A bit bored at the consistent Fosters extraction of Mercia - gentle banter is fine, but the rest...

Those who regularly get involved in this apparently semi-traditional pass-time are advised to stop and amuse themselves elsewhere. The editorial team are happy to help should this prove to be too tricky.

All the best,

We are having steak and ale pie (iceland) chunky chips frozen kind (iceland again)
and carrots and peas of the tinned variety (morrisons) lol
Fishcakes, baked potatoes and stuffed mushrooms. Maybe a side salad as well...
fishcakes i havent had those in a while i love fish cakes
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Faggots, mash, mushy peas, veg and gravy....yummy yummy
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fish again flipper ;)
You leave my fishy cakes alone. We have thai style prawn and cod ones.....just for a bit of diversity :-)
Not prawn and cod together...prawn ones and cod ones...
I didn't think faggots would get through the filter! LOL.
'forced rhubarb crumble' sounds almost for a blockage.

Fillet steak (well it was supposed to be fillet, but it was rather chewy so I have my suspicions) with peppercorn sauce, carrots, courgettes and jersey royals.

To follow: apple crumble and custard (that's still in the oven).
I thought you'd flounced merciasounds?
Not another flouncer........?!!!!

Mercy'll be back I'm sure - like bobbs, she can't resist us.
<<<Still doesn't know what wilted greens are!

And I wasn't being sarcastic either :-(
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wilted greens are well, lightly cooked or steamed green until they are well wilted, so a posh way of saying cooked veg

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