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Strange food combinations

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Barmaid | 20:03 Wed 27th Jul 2011 | Food & Drink
47 Answers
Trim's thread about cheese and jam got me to thinking about strange food combinations.

What odd combinations do you like?


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I love spaghetti bolegnaise (sp), but with tuna instead of mince :D xx
that breakfast would be hellish for me, I can tolerate a fried egg as long as its over over cooked
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Now that sounds interesting Redhelen.

I once had a chicken breast stuffed with strawberries. Thought it was an odd combination but it was gorgeous.
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Roxie - now that DOES sound odd!! lol
omg red, did you have to go there :O
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I love poached eggs - but in eggs benedict they are the best!!!!!! pmsl at "cummy"
I've have tuna bolonase type thing before, s'nice...
I love poached eggs as well :-)
I do love it :D as I'm not a lover of mince, with lots of garlic ;) xx
ditto barmaid..cummy for a hollandaise sauce is a new one, will have to add sperm or female cum soon.

fried eggs overcooked or undercooked - ye-uck

for the thread, bacon with marmalade - yum (practised in Scandinavia)

bananas - have a major allergy.

strawbs with pepper and a (really good) basalmic - brilliant.

One of the most flexible yum agents I have found is raspberry chipotle (from a co called Fischers in Fredericksburg, Texas) - works amazingly with chicken, pork, beef, lamb( hot or cold) - and even with tuna.

Spag tuna or better fettucine with tuna, fresh cherry toms, onions, maybe some nice mush, chorizo and fresh Iti flat parsley, lots of good pepper and a good virgin oil - yum....
you are a right dirty get sometimes DT
Gross DT :-(
Marmite and marmalade; grated cheese and marmalade
Sausages and custard are nice together.
Sardine and strawberry sandwiches are also nice.
Gravy on a chocolate biscuit goes very well too.
Finally cream cheese and jam sandwiches are the best taste in the world.

Blame Hannah Spearitt from S Club 7 for that last food combination.
Marmite and banana sandwich....yummy
lol ummmm and safiya....

I could get going about survival rations - grossed my god son out when I ate wood lice in front of him at his grandparents golden wedding......very good protein and one can survive on them.
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I'm more a simple foods person too.

I'm still scarred from a heavily publicised "sausage biscuit" when i was in Canada, just the thought...urgh! Apparantly it's more like a scone than a biscuit biscuit, not that that tempted me!

I love chicken with rice and gravy and will often make spaghetti bolognaise but with rice instead of pasta.

Only wierd thing I can think of is if I get say soup and sausage roll and something sweet as a treat for lunch, like a jam doughnut, I can happily eat the sweet thing while still finishing my soup (Tomato in a cup from Greggs).

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