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Burger King or McDonalds

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pjm007 | 22:13 Tue 12th Apr 2005 | Food & Drink
48 Answers
Which do you prefer and why (no answers from people who don't like either please !)


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Expressing a preference for neither McDonalds or Burger King isn't a valid reason for posting because that wasn't the question, it goes against the wishes of the questioner and in my opinion is discourteous. I realise this is an open forum, but like I said those that have a preference to neither really need not have answered. Calling them all "Junk-food pedalling murderers" is a bit extreme, I'm sure it isn't thier intention to kill anyone, by the way has anyone actually been tried and sentenced for selling burgers ? I'm sure thier effort towards promoting healthier options hasn't gone un-noticed, as they now sell fresh salads, grilled chicken and fruit.

I am mature and intelligent enough to realise that the last sentence was directed at me, so I would say that in itself is invalid.

PS, If I wanted to include Star Burger in my question, I would have done !

Gentlemen - please.

Mcdonalds is definitely better. Don't burger king cover their chips in some weird coating? It makes me dislike them A LOT plus bk is more expensive. Also, is it true that MD's chips are not actually made of potatoes?

It always used to be McD's until about 9 months ago when I got pregnant. Went right off them. I had severe morning sickness, not just in the mornings, but all day, and one of the few things i could keep down in the first four months was BK fries. They have my customer loyalty for life now! I'm sure that when this baby arrives at the weekend it's first words will be "Whopper Junior Meal please"

I prefer Burger King though I have to agree with one of the early posters who commented on the cleanliness of the establishment.

This appears to be the norm regarding the two establishments i.e Mc D's is cleaner but BK does a better burger IMHO.

-- answer removed --
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Apart from being a genuine question, I knew by adding "no answers from people who don't like either please" would provoke a reaction and have the 'red rag to the bull' effect, thats one of the reasons I done it. I just fancied a bit of a row (and a laugh). Incidently, I think this may have been the longest thread I've started (look to the left, its put me above the chilli con carne question !) I hope we can all be friends now ! lol !
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Sorry, I meant right (that was intelligent, wasn't it ?)

" I knew by adding ' no answers...please' would provoke a reaction...that's one of the reasons I done it."

Of course, dear, of course.

Burger King is definately superior to Maccas, at least here in Australia anyway. BK actually tastes pretty good, and somewhat like real food. McDonalds is just nutritional genocide that leaves you feeling like crap !

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Alright brachiopod, calm down, keep your alans on. You seem to have egg (McMuffin) on your face and a french fry on your shoulder after being one of the slugs that fell in to my beer trap. Get over it!

Whatever you say, dear.


i prefer burger king, because it's nearer. also, the fries are better. and they give out free bbq sauce rather than trying to charge for it (i mean, really. what's that all about?!) aaaand there's the LA chicken sandwich, which is great because you can see the actual meat.

also, here is proof that we like to get involved regardless of your wishes. feel free to ignore, though

Hi I like McDs more.  But really the more interesting debate is who is winning this little battle!  I think brachiopod is, no offence pjm007 but you've sort of embaressed yourself a little.
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I prefer Burger King TO GO!, I think the burgers are tastier, but I do enjoy a Sausage and Egg McMuffin.

I think there are hygiene issues in both restaurants. I once saw a turd on the toilet floor in a McDonalds restaurant, NICE ! ( I'm sure that would never happen in Star Burger )

Maybe I was a bit hasty in responding to brachiopod's comment about them being 'Junk-food pedalling murderers', as earlier on today I witnessed a violent attack by a knife-wielding Big Mac that killed a Bacon double cheeseburger, It then proceeded to make its getaway on a BMX bike.

You been drinking, pjm ?  ;o)

For the record, (since I haven't actually stated my opinion yet ! ), I would eat neither.

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lol Brachiopod ;o) Its been emotional !
i was the site agent on a burger king refit in oxford street. i have eaten so many whoppers(sounds well!) and i would say that they are cooked better and the standing time regime is better than Maccys,

i was the site agent on a burger king refit in oxford street in london, i have eaten so many free whoppers and having worked for maccys as well, i have concluded that bk is far superior. they use excellent salads the burgers are flame grilled and the standing time regime is much better than maccys.

one thing that may interest someone is that at the side of a bk servery is a small box with an led display that shows numbers from 1-6. this is to tell the staff how hard to work because of the rate of sales that a computer gathers from the tills. when it shows "6" it is at the fastest and that will be telling the staff that the sales are around �10, 000 an hour, that is not all day though, it goes up and down. knowing this you can possibly see the reason why they gave me such grief about the completion date. 1 days loss of sales loses tens of thousands of pounds. i have seen few maccys as busy as BK's. i think they are more popular but less well advertised than maccys.


Knocked the pants off both BK and McD's......but of the two, prefer BK as the chips are much nicer and the bacon double cheesburger is lush! The baguettes are also really good.

Has 2 be BK

they have the best range of food

nd MCs have to copy theire 4 kids meals

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