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My dad says

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EvianBaby | 10:58 Sun 08th Apr 2012 | Food & Drink
25 Answers
I can substitute baking powder with self raising flour.

Despite the fact he was a chef, I don't trust him. Is he right?


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He means you can add baking powder to PLAIN flour for the same result as self raising flour
oh hang on, the recipe calls for baking powder but your dad says add SR flour?
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The recipe says 75g plain flour and 2.5 teaspoons of baking powder.

I don't have baking powder but he reckons I can substitute the whole lot for self raising.
ah, im with you, yes you can do that :)
Yes you can - it might not be quite the same, but you can.
but dont add baking powder as well lol
I'd agree with your dad,as I've done that.
SR Flour is plain flour with baking powder added, isn't it?
Does anyone still use baking powder? I thought that it went out with the end of the war.
yep, I do
And i'm not old enough to remember it being used in the war lol
Even some SR flour recipes require a boost
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Thank you lovely people. I shall now go and stand in a corner for a few minutes and be thoroughly ashamed of myself for doubting my Dad.

Now, I don't suppose there's any chance I can substitute eggs with salsa sauce or something is there. Don't have of them either ;)
Is baking powder the same thing as bicarbonate of soda, a popular indigestion remedy in my youth?
Note to self: if Evian invites me for lunch, I am busy
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Oh! I have bicarbonate of soda! I bought some yesterday.

Lol mrs o. I'm only young (cough cough) and I'm still learning. It's just a shame every time I cook something it happens to be some sort of sugar based desert rather than any kind of proper food.
Have you got any decent cookbooks? I don't know if you can still buy it but Delia Smith's "One is Fun" is a good starter book. Also, I'd recommend Jamie Oliver cook books.
PS - I am still busy lol
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My sister bought me a Jon torode (the master chef bloke) chicken cook book.

Think I best get some more though. I have four weeks to learn to fend for myself. I'll invite you round once I've mastered beans on toast!
It's a date! lol

Leith's Cookery Bible is a really good place to start learning. It's not flashy or gimmicky, it just gets you through all the basics and beyond. You can pick up a second hand one cheaply over on Amazon

I like baked beans on toast too.... ;-)
Baking soda is bicarbonate of soda with cornflour added to dilute it somewhat. It's safer to use if the measures are a bit off, since the effect of bicarb on its own could be a bit too strong in some recipes.
Nigel Slater's books are very "cookable" and tasty dishes too............

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