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7 Days Overdue

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phleb | 19:32 Mon 10th Mar 2014 | Food & Drink
17 Answers
Fed up!


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Fed up= food and drink- I like it.
Is it your first, phleb? They are often late.
Get some sleep while you can
Enjoy the peace while you can - can you remember how eye-meltingly tired you are in those first few weeks?
phleb, how long overdue do you have to be before they induce ?.
Ruby Murray time?
Aaaw. I thought you might be early phleb. It's your third? Really can't think it'll be long now- they don't usually leave it more than ten days now. Have they said anything about bringing you in?
You will be getting weary I know, but they won't be rushed - 19 days over first time, 5 weeks early second. They are still keeping me on my toes now.
Phleb, it'll come when it's ready, I was three weeks late.....

(Why is this in Food and Drink, LOL)
Have a gin and tonic and a hot curry - that'll shift it! x
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Sorry wrong did I get that wrong!!
My suggestion was food related
it'll be worth the wait,make the most of the quiet.I've only had the 1,he arrived on date midwife said he'd arrive,which is unusual for a 1'st.all the best
oh you poor are entitled to be '' fed up'' when do you see your midwife again ? were you past dates with your other two pregnancies ?
I hear that ladies in a certain condition take to strange cravings. How's the coal, custard, and pickled gherkin diet coming along?
Ah....any news ?
Don't think so,'s all very quiet

How are you and the rotten cold ? Xx
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Ok so 8 days after due date and still at home...not a sign. I am fed up, not so much of not had it yet, but fed up of people asking me at school gates and especially my sister is getting on my nerves..she reckons I should make something up and go in....lie!!! I don't think so. I believe it will come when its ready and meant to be. Do u agree?
Oh your poor chick, I know it's a pain in the you know where, but the little tyke will come when it's good and ready, and not before.

Wouldn't go making up stories in the hospital they'll suss you out ASAP but are they planning to induce you anytime soon ?

I didn't go over with either of mine ( thank goodness) but I didn't think they'd let you go much over two weeks, would they ?

Chin up sweetie, it will be here very soon and you'll miss the peace and quiet xx

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