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Batch Cooking & Menus

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tinkerbell23 | 00:18 Tue 05th Jan 2016 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
Im trying to be organised here...

I follow slimming world (sometimes!!)

Anyhow.... My question is do you "batch cook"? ... If so is it mainly sauces?

Who makes a weeks menu?

I wish i was more organised x


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If I am cooking chilli con carne or chicken curry for an evening dinner I will cook a batch in a massive cauldron and freeze batches of individual portions. Likewise a mariners pie,shepherds pie baked in the oven. I do a couple of large roasting trays at a time and slice individual slabs for freezing.
I don't really plan a weeks menu ahead unless we have family or friends staying with us for a while.
I do a week's menu and I shop online - if the bill gets too high, I change my menu. I save loads doing it this way and last year I got over £500 back from Asda's price guarantee. I don't batch cook though as I have to make food for six (I don't eat what I give my kids and husband - I make them eat properly).
Like Retrocop, I batch cook certain things such as stew, curry, lentil and bean bake, chilli etc. I'm not a fan of cooking so when I do it, I make enough for the freezer too. That way I have a couple of meals in the bag for week nights.
Well many years ago I tried to batch stew ie potatoes meat and vegs - never again as I found that the potatoes turned to dust.
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Good on you sherr!!!!!

I think i will try to do the batch of sauces/ chillie/ etc

I seem to have this silly aversion to freezer stuff i was shocked at the amount of good food i have in the blinkin thing. Must do better & eat better...x
You should make a friend of your freezer , I buy good meat in a larger quantity ,then I may make , pies, curries,stews and freeze in individual meal sizes.

Essential for me as I live alone.
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I know! Its full of good fresh chicken from butchers ive frozen!!! Terrible i am!!!! X
You'll get a routine Tinks.
The best tip you'll get, never ask Ma for cooking advice.... ;-)

Hope you are well and happy......Ma....x
I always batch cook casseroles, soups, sauces, gravy, fruit pies etc as it's far more efficient for just the two of us.

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