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What To Serve With Steaks?

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NoMercy | 12:51 Tue 30th Jan 2018 | Food & Drink
33 Answers
I've got a couple of steaks for dinner. Personally I like a fried egg or grilled stilton on mine, with a side salad.

I rather think he would prefer egg on top and chunky chips on the side.

Any other suggestions?



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13:09 Tue 30th Jan 2018
boringly chips and peas will do for me
I like peppercorn sauce and potato croquettes with mine (with a grilled tomato and garlicky sauteed spinach on the side)
Baked Potatoes with Butter or Sour Cream & Chives?
why not make all of that and dole it out as appropriate?
sweetcorn and fried mushrooms
Grilled toms with garlic butter on and button mushrooms chunky chips
Game chips?
Parmentier potatoes?

Or an au gratin? (Fry shallots and mixture of wild and chestnut mushrooms, leave to cool, stir in parsley, tarragon and chives. Whip up 4 tbsp of cream and fold it in and an egg yolk. Leave in fridge. When you want to finish off the steaks dollop some of the mixture on top, sprinkle with parmesan and grill)
i'm off to bm's for lunch
I didn't realise you were such a posh one Nom' Steaks for dinner.. blimey. even though I do like egg n' chips... I'd go with yours.
-- answer removed --
Tesco is awaiting my arrival... bacon and mushroooms ....mmm on the list.
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Hmmm... I bet M&S do a nice peppercorn sauce. I CBA making one.

Arky, they're only Aldi steaks.
I don't make mine either. I use a Schwartz packet and chuck a teaspoon of fresh green peppercorns in at the end. You can't tell the difference.
Stilton sauce is really nice and goes well with steaks. Super easy to make as well.
Tempura onion rings, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms sauteed in butter, sauteed potatoes and a bottle of Minervois. Pour the cooking juices over the meat.
(And an egg on top - runny)
Boulangère potatoes and garden peas.

Though a chunky chip is not easily dismissed.
bubble and squeak with egg on top x
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So many good suggestions, I've got a real dilemma on my hands now.
My juices are flowing, before I go a wondering, I'm still waiting for the Sheppard's pie to be cooked... I was always taught that you can't go shopping on an empty stomach.

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