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How Much Is A 99 These Days?

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barry1010 | 09:03 Thu 22nd Jun 2023 | Food & Drink
22 Answers
From the Mr Whippy van


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I had one a couple of weeks ago. £2.
Old news but:

A couple of quid at least I imagine, just as well they stock other fragrant faves.
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Thanks, naomi. I heard £5 but couldn't believe it
The prices can vary depending on the location. A Mr Whippy van working the suburbs of middle England might charge c£2 but another at a busy event or the one sat outside the Tower of London can easily command more.
I only have the smallest size ice cream so perhaps that's why it was only £2. They're not proper flakes though - much smaller than those you buy in shops.
No mobile drug dealer is going to use Cadbury products when generic ones are available down the cash and carry.
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They always were much smaller flakes, naomi.
Oh were they, barry? I don't have them usually. I prefer just plain vanilla ice cream - but that was bought for me.
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The prices have always been bumped up at events and outside big tourist attractions because the vendor usually has to pay to pitch on those sites.
Where I live you have to text the ice cream van to call in your street. I don't know if the council has stopped them playing their tunes willy nilly
I remember a van in Hyde park charging £3 for a tiny cone at least 20years ago, lots of upset kids when the parents were saying no, it got quite nasty.
£2.50 here.
a normal sized flake would be bigger than the ice cream (gosh that sounds good!)
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I bet. Sometimes it is better to sell 1000 units at 10p profit each than 30 units at £2 profit
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Bring back the penny licks!
Local car boot however the ice cream van is pretty reasonable. A monster done with bunny ears (2 flakes) is only £3 and the small cones are £1.50
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That's not bad :)
I have one instead of breakfast..... Such a big kid at times but probably better than a breakfast bap!
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I suspect you're right, Rowan, but not as filling. A bit of what you fancy does you good
It's one short of a hundred.
There are hundreds and thousands of prices

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