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Novelli Recipe

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Silversky | 17:17 Fri 24th Mar 2006 | Food & Drink
1 Answers

On this website Jean Christophe novelli cooks a dish with Lamb, pasta and scallops at Auberge du lac. I was just wondering if anyone had the actual recipe for it or know where to find it, if so could you let me know.



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Suggest you'll get the result with and include pan seared noisette of lamb and include the tagliatelle. Cook the scallops in the same pan as the lamb so the juices are used to get more flavour. Use 'dry' scallops - not previously frozen ones - i.e. fresh hand dived ones. Use the coral if you want or just leave it off. always get the absolutely freshest ingredients for dish like this to do it justice, and keep seasoning to a minimum.

Or make a fresh (basil) pesto to serve the dish...rather than a puree.

If you do make a puree, try with a couple of different coloured ones - butter bean and roasted red pepper, or orange cauliflower and broccoli. Make the puree quite stiff and serve in a ring so you get a disc and serve the scallops and lamb around it, with the pasta on the top...or try with creamed leeks and garlic (easy on the garlic - you just want a suggestion of the flavour)

Steam the veg, pass through a fine seive for the puree and use a tiny drop of oil to get the consistency you want. Make a red pesto in place of the green....

Lots of other scallop ideas at the uktv site, or over 1000 at

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