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tricky63 | 13:20 Wed 18th Apr 2007 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
are these small,square,morish biscuits still made?
I think that I have the spelling correct.


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I think you mean Cheeselets. Yes, still made by Jacobs.

Scrummy, especially with a beer!
My wife's favourite. (Apart from me, she says! Don't see them too often, but they usually make an appearance in stores around Christmas and New Year
Tricky - would it be these?

Not quite, BBW, it's these. Also in tall tubs.
They are still made by Jacobs and I saw them in Morrisons this evening.
Aaaargh! We don't have a Morrisons!
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Mini cheddars are nice - but nowhere near cheeselets. They are easy to get hold of here (Harlow, Essex) - Most offies and corner shops sell them as well as the big supermarkets. Even Luigi the ice cream man sells them (if you are not worried about the date code)

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