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African ingredients

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aloha | 02:20 Thu 29th Jul 2004 | Food & Drink
2 Answers
But seriously, I am looking for some lesser known ingredients online [I live in Hawai'i], but all of the websites that might have carried them are DEFUNCT. I am looking for: ground nuts [as opposed to peanuts-west african], avish [an ethiopian spice],osho sho,ukpo [I think w. african], korerima [ethiope]. If you happen to know of any up and working sources for these items, you will make me a very happy cook. I can't afford airfare, etc., so I call international cooking "cheap travel" Mahalo [thanks!]


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Julian Graves, in England may be able to advise, they specialise in dried fruits , nuts, and various other "food adjuncts". winemaker
Hi there,

You might want to check out It's in Dutch, but they will be happy to help you when you send them an e-mail.


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African ingredients

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