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using up obscure ingredients

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mandimoo | 17:46 Sun 06th Apr 2008 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
my ma and pa's sunday mag used to have a series running that used to give ideas of how to use up obscure ingredients in your cupboards. does anyone know of a website containing similar ideas?


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cheers, they are good sites but not really what im after, the ingredients arent obscure enough. ive got tamarind paste i need to use up, and often find i will buy something for particular recipe only to chuck the rest out after using a tablespoon or whatever.
not sure if this is quite the thing your looking for, but i put tamarind in the serch box and it came up with a load of recipes
errrrrr would help ;-)

try the combination thingy as well

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using up obscure ingredients

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