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butternut squash

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intense | 19:07 Sun 02nd Nov 2008 | Food & Drink
11 Answers
can anyone please tell the easiest way to peel it?


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I just cut it up and peel like a potato ..
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I have an old fashioned peeler..
it has a wooden handle ..with
string round it ..cost 99p in the
local shop ....
Y peel it?
No.know, I bought one of those about 20 years ago and am still using it..........aren't they great?
I just use a decent potato peeler (unless I am making butternut squash bread when I simply bake it whole in the oven - no peeling required - and then mix the flesh with flour, baking powder, salt and other flavourings - if you want the recipe just post back here and I'll put it up for you).

Other interesting recipes are available here:- tternut-squash.php

Happy eating !
I don't peel it. If roasting, I just cut it into chunks and put on a hot oiled tray n roast for half hour. When cooked, the peel just slides off, or I eat it as it is. Yum.
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I cut it into discs about 15mm thick, cut across the squash, it is easier to peel small discs than large chunky bits.

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