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Dancing Bull Zinfandel

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NoMercy | 11:05 Mon 29th Jun 2009 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
Does anyone know a Californian Zinfandel by the name of Dancing Bull? I discovered this wine last week by accident in a pub in Droitwich. I have tried looking for UK stockists on the internet, but to no avail. Could anybody tell me where I can buy this wine? Thanks.


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if you scroll down to Ranch Zabaco, the are suggesting wine rack and threshers sell it, - i f you click on the abbreviated names it will take you to a page with the contact numbers for them wwa_search.php?rsearch=THR
Just as a matter of interest No Mercy, what strength was this Zinfandel ? They can get up to about 17% and it would be a case of Dancing Bull after a session on that !!!!! LOL
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I drove past a bl00dy wine rack in Birmingham the other day!! I had to go and pick up some keys in Edgebaston and on the way back, one of my tyres burst on the M5, and so I pulled off and onto a carpack to ring for assistance. That's how I "found" this wine. And to add insult to injury, they've got it on 3 for 2 at the mo !

Cheers fluffy, you're fab ! xx
i just clicked on the link and its not there, just adjust the region to usa and put zinfandel in and its the first one!

17%....... that would be an interesting night
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Hi Redman, it was 14% and I think it may have been a 2006 or 2008, but not sure. I know I've never tasted anything like it.... lush !
Yes it's great wine and I buy it now and again at the Supermarket. Don't know if they make Zinfandel anywhere else other than California. Enjoy !!!!!!
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Cheers Redman. I think they do grow a small amount of Zinfandel in South Africa, but I am not really that acquainted with SA wines. I bought a Morrisons "The Best" Zinfandel the other day, but it wasn't a patch on the Dancing Bull that I had at the pub in Wychbold.
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