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turkey/duck/chicken all-in-one thingy...

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sara3 | 11:35 Tue 15th Dec 2009 | Food & Drink
67 Answers
I had a supermarket leaflet through my door about a month ago and it showed one of those joints of turkey, duck and chicken. it was a reasonable price, and def wasn't one of the "top" foodie places (not M&S, Waitrose, etc) as I remember thinking it might not be great quality... and now I can't remember where it was from and I'd like to find it.. or something like it (but not at M&S prices).

any ideas? thanks :o)


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Two so far, noknow.............

I wonder what the tally will be by bed-time ?
Whats all that about above ??
Trolls, pericat, trolls, I'm afraid.
They seemed to have me in their sights at the minute.
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If he didn't have a split personality, he wouldn't have one at all :o)
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how can they kick off on my thread about turkey? tragic!

go back to the playground. no one else is interested. does look like someone forgot to change names..
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Someone I once worked with wanted to do the five bird version (I think Mary Berry does it in her cookbook). I couldn't help thinking "get a bloody life".

We're having duck and the OH is bloody well cooking it.
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I was Dorothy in a school Wizard of Oz production.

just in case anyone is interested.

no? lol!
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problem solved... I'm going to Barmaid's!
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Getting less convincing by the post.............
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turkey/duck/chicken all-in-one thingy...

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